If you’re bothered by dark patches on your skin caused by hyperpigmentation, it could help to know that there are more alternatives for removing that innocuous but vexing discoloration than ever before.
What is hyperpigmentation, exactly? It is any spot of your skin that appears darker than your natural skin tone due to an excess of your skin’s brown pigment melanin. Hyperpigmentation is visible in liver spots (age spots) and sunspots.
The type of hyperpigmentation determines the reason. The following are the most typical causes:
The body produces more melanin to shield the skin from prolonged exposure to the sun. Age spots or sun spots, which are dark patches or marks on the skin, could occur from this.
Skin inflammation can cause darkening of some areas of the skin. This can include acne, eczema, lupus, or a skin injury. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is more common for people with darker skin tones.
Darker patches of skin can develop as a result of hormonal changes. This kind of hyperpigmentation occurs frequently during pregnancy.
Hyperpigmentation, for instance, can be brought on by tricyclic antidepressants and antimalarial medications. Some people may experience gray patches on their skin. Chemicals used in topical therapy can also cause hyperpigmentation.
Addison’s disease and hemochromatosis are two more significant causes of hyperpigmentation.
The adrenal glands are affected by Addison’s disease. It can induce hyperpigmentation in certain parts of the body, such as:
Hemochromatosis is an inherited disorder in which the body contains excess iron. It might result in hyperpigmentation, which makes the skin appear darker or tanned. When iron levels are five times greater than usual, hyperpigmentation might result.
It’s critical to consult your doctor to rule out and treat any underlying causes of hyperpigmentation.
Following that, several types of hyperpigmentation can be treated with medicines like:
If darker skin spots have appeared due to pregnancy, consult your healthcare professional about how to treat them. Sunscreen and sun-blocking clothing can help keep skin pigmentation from worsening and may diminish naturally after childbirth. If not, over-the-counter and prescription creams may help restore your skin tone – read shakura review to find the best treatments on the market!
Any change in the color of your skin could be intimidating or upsetting. It’s normal to feel worried, embarrassed, or frustrated if you have damaged skin or a long-term skin disease that changes the way you look.
Feel free to seek more assistance from a healthcare provider or therapist. You are not alone, and there are strategies to cope with your situation.